Who we are

Mindshift Matters works together with a network of trusted partners around the world, including climate change professionals, clean-tech investors and entrepreneurs, and financial institutions.

Max Horstink
Email: max@mindshiftmatters.com
Linkedin profile

Max Horstink is a results-driven, creative climate change specialist with 15 years experience in the climate change sector and energy sectors. His key expertise involves climate change policy, climate finance, clean technology project development, carbon market analysis and commercialisation, carbon management, and international business development. Having worked for and with a broad range of governments and multinationals, Max has a sound knowledge of the political framework around climate change and carbon markets and the drivers behind both public and private sector involvement. Max has excellent natural writing skills, publishing articles and reports on a frequent basis, as well as maintaining a blog.

Max works together with a network of trusted peers around the world, but his network especially focuses around three cities, Cape Town, Amsterdam and Barcelona, where he is based. His network includes climate change professionals, academics, clean-tech investors and entrepreneurs, and financial institutions.

Every next innovative mechanism, trend or policy. Writing skills (opinion pieces and analysis), climate change policy, climate finance, market-based mechanisms, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), NAMAs, clean-technology finance & development, carbon market analysis (both compliance and voluntary), business development & innovation, structuring deals. Special interest in the plastic waste problem.

Volunteer work
Max started a Plastic Pollution Campaign in 2011, focusing on raising awareness on the one hand and physical action on the other with respect to one of the key daunting challenges of our time, plastic pollution. Awareness: 1. holding interactive talks for teachers and children at a diverse range of schools in South Africa and Spain about the plastic pollution challenge. 2. Raising awareness through social media [Twitter / Instagram: maxheadroams]. Action: organising monthly nature cleanups together with a local Association.

Max Horstink
Linkedin profile